pinocchio  UNKNOWN
InertiaBase< Derived > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

Derived_t & derived ()
const Derived_t & derived () const
Scalar mass () const
Scalar & mass ()
const Vector3 & lever () const
Vector3 & lever ()
const Symmetric3inertia () const
Symmetric3inertia ()
Matrix6 matrix () const
 operator Matrix6 () const
Derived_t & operator= (const Derived_t &clone)
bool operator== (const Derived_t &other) const
bool operator!= (const Derived_t &other) const
Derived_t & operator+= (const Derived_t &Yb)
Derived_t operator+ (const Derived_t &Yb) const
template<typename MotionDerived >
ForceTpl< typename traits< MotionDerived >::Scalar, traits< MotionDerived >::Options > operator* (const MotionDense< MotionDerived > &v) const
Scalar vtiv (const Motion &v) const
Matrix6 variation (const Motion &v) const
Matrix6 vxi (const Motion &v) const
Matrix6 ivx (const Motion &v) const
void setZero ()
void setIdentity ()
void setRandom ()
bool isApprox (const Derived &other, const Scalar &prec=Eigen::NumTraits< Scalar >::dummy_precision()) const
Derived_t se3Action (const SE3 &M) const
 aI = aXb.act(bI)
Derived_t se3ActionInverse (const SE3 &M) const
 bI = aXb.actInv(aI)
void disp (std::ostream &os) const

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename M6 >
static void vxi (const Motion &v, const Derived &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &Iout)
 Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula \( \dot{I} = v \cross^{*} I \). More...
template<typename M6 >
static void ivx (const Motion &v, const Derived &I, const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &Iout)
 Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula \( \dot{I} = v \cross^{*} I \). More...

Protected Types

typedef Derived Derived_t

Protected Member Functions



std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const InertiaBase< Derived_t > &X)

Detailed Description

template<class Derived>
class se3::InertiaBase< Derived >

Definition at line 34 of file inertia.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

static void ivx ( const Motion v,
const Derived &  I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &  Iout 

Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula \( \dot{I} = v \cross^{*} I \).

[in]vThe spatial velocity of the frame supporting the inertia.
[in]IThe spatial inertia in motion.
[out]IoutThe time derivative of the inertia I.

Definition at line 99 of file inertia.hpp.

Referenced by InertiaBase< InertiaTpl< _Scalar, _Options > >::ivx().

static void vxi ( const Motion v,
const Derived &  I,
const Eigen::MatrixBase< M6 > &  Iout 

Time variation operator. It computes the time derivative of an inertia I corresponding to the formula \( \dot{I} = v \cross^{*} I \).

[in]vThe spatial velocity of the frame supporting the inertia.
[in]IThe spatial inertia in motion.
[out]IoutThe time derivative of the inertia I.

Definition at line 78 of file inertia.hpp.

Referenced by InertiaBase< InertiaTpl< _Scalar, _Options > >::vxi().

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