hpp-constraints  4.9.1
Definition of basic geometric constraints for motion planning
hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType > Class Template Referenceabstract

#include <hpp/constraints/symbolic-calculus.hh>

Inheritance diagram for hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >:

Public Types

typedef ValueType ValueType_t
typedef JacobianType JacobianType_t

Public Member Functions

virtual const ValueType & value () const =0
virtual const JacobianType & jacobian () const =0
virtual void computeValue (const ConfigurationIn_t arg)=0
virtual void computeJacobian (const ConfigurationIn_t arg)=0
virtual void invalidate ()=0

Detailed Description

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
class hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >

Abstract class defining a basic common interface.

The purpose of this class is to allow the user to define an expression without requiring to explicitly write its type. The type will be automatically deduced by the compiler.

// First define a, b and c with basic elements.
CalculusBaseAbstract<OutValueType, OutJacobianType>::Ptr_t myExpression_ptr =
CalculusBaseAbstract<OutValueType, OutJacobianType>::create (a + b * c)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ JacobianType_t

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
typedef JacobianType hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::JacobianType_t

◆ ValueType_t

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
typedef ValueType hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::ValueType_t

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeJacobian()

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
virtual void hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::computeJacobian ( const ConfigurationIn_t  arg)
pure virtual

◆ computeValue()

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
virtual void hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::computeValue ( const ConfigurationIn_t  arg)
pure virtual

◆ invalidate()

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
virtual void hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::invalidate ( )
pure virtual

Implemented in hpp::constraints::MatrixOfExpressions< ValueType, JacobianType >, hpp::constraints::MatrixOfExpressions< eigen::vector3_t, JacobianMatrix >, hpp::constraints::RotationMultiply< RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::ScalarMultiply< RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::Sum< LhsValue, RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::Difference< LhsValue, RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::ScalarProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::CrossProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< T, ValueType, JacobianType, CrossType >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< MatrixOfExpressions< ValueType, JacobianType >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< FunctionExp< FunctionType >, vector_t, matrix_t >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< JointFrame, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 6, 1 >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 6, Eigen::Dynamic > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< Difference< LhsValue, RhsValue > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< VectorInJoint >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< Point, vector3_t, JacobianMatrix >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< Sum< LhsValue, RhsValue > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< ScalarMultiply< RhsValue > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< MatrixOfExpressions< eigen::vector3_t, JacobianMatrix >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< PointInJoint >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< RotationMultiply< RhsValue > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< CrossProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue > >, hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< PointCom, vector3_t, ComJacobian_t >, and hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< ScalarProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue >, Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 1, 1 >, RowJacobianMatrix >.

◆ jacobian()

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
virtual const JacobianType& hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::jacobian ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ value()

template<class ValueType = eigen::vector3_t, class JacobianType = JacobianMatrix>
virtual const ValueType& hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >::value ( ) const
pure virtual

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