hpp-constraints  4.9.1
Definition of basic geometric constraints for motion planning
Symbolic calculus


class  hpp::constraints::CalculusBaseAbstract< ValueType, JacobianType >
struct  hpp::constraints::Traits< Class >
class  hpp::constraints::Expression< LhsValue, RhsValue >
 Base class for classes representing an operation. More...
class  hpp::constraints::CrossProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue >
 Cross product of two expressions. More...
class  hpp::constraints::ScalarProduct< LhsValue, RhsValue >
 Scalar product of two expressions. More...
class  hpp::constraints::Difference< LhsValue, RhsValue >
 Difference of two expressions. More...
class  hpp::constraints::Sum< LhsValue, RhsValue >
 Sum of two expressions. More...
class  hpp::constraints::ScalarMultiply< RhsValue >
 Multiplication of an expression by a scalar. More...
class  hpp::constraints::RotationMultiply< RhsValue >
 Multiplication of an expression by a rotation matrix. More...
struct  hpp::constraints::Traits< value_type >
struct  hpp::constraints::Traits< pinocchio::Joint >
struct  hpp::constraints::JointTranspose
struct  hpp::constraints::Traits< JointTranspose >
class  hpp::constraints::CalculusBase< T, ValueType, JacobianType, CrossType >
class  hpp::constraints::PointInJoint
 Basic expression representing a point in a joint frame. More...
class  hpp::constraints::VectorInJoint
 Basic expression representing a vector in a joint frame. More...
class  hpp::constraints::FunctionExp< FunctionType >
 Basic expression mapping a function as an expression. More...
class  hpp::constraints::Point
class  hpp::constraints::PointCom
 Basic expression representing a COM. More...
class  hpp::constraints::JointFrame
class  hpp::constraints::MatrixOfExpressions< ValueType, JacobianType >
 Matrix having Expression elements. More...


typedef eigen::matrix3_t hpp::constraints::CrossMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > hpp::constraints::RowJacobianMatrix
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > hpp::constraints::JacobianMatrix

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ CrossMatrix

◆ JacobianMatrix

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> hpp::constraints::JacobianMatrix

◆ RowJacobianMatrix

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 1, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> hpp::constraints::RowJacobianMatrix