Implement basic classes for canonical path planning for kinematic chains.
Configuration Sampling | |
Path planning algorithms | |
Path Optimization | |
Steering method and distance functions | |
Validation of configurations and paths | |
Roadmap | |
Constraints | |
Path | |
Parser | |
Plugins | |
Bounding volumes [external] | |
Construction of BVHModel [external] | |
Geometric shapes [external] | |
Macros for debugging [external] | |
Macros for logging [external] | |
Macros forc std::exception [external] | |
Factories [external] | |
Spatial [external] | |
Multibody [external] | |
Joint [external] | |
Parsers [external] | |
Algorithms [external] | |
Lie group [external] | |
Printing to output stream [external] | |
Symbolic calculus [external] | |
Constraint solvers [external] | |
Tools [external] |