hpp-gepetto-viewer  4.9.0
Display of hpp robots and obstacles in gepetto-viewer
gepetto.gui.path_graph Namespace Reference


class  ComGetter
class  DataQCP
class  JointAction
class  Plugin
class  VelGetter
class  Velocities


tuple colors
tuple lineStyles
list pens = []
 qpen = Qt.QPen(c)

Variable Documentation

◆ colors

tuple gepetto.gui.path_graph.colors
Initial value:
1 = (
2  # Qt.Qt.white,
3  Qt.Qt.black,
4  Qt.Qt.red,
5  Qt.Qt.green,
6  Qt.Qt.blue,
7  Qt.Qt.cyan,
8  Qt.Qt.magenta,
9  Qt.Qt.yellow,
10  Qt.Qt.gray,
11  Qt.Qt.darkRed,
12  Qt.Qt.darkGreen,
13  Qt.Qt.darkBlue,
14  Qt.Qt.darkCyan,
15  Qt.Qt.darkMagenta,
16  Qt.Qt.darkYellow,
17  Qt.Qt.darkGray,
18  Qt.Qt.lightGray,
19  )

◆ lineStyles

tuple gepetto.gui.path_graph.lineStyles
Initial value:
1 = (
2  Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
3  Qt.Qt.DashLine,
4  Qt.Qt.DotLine,
5  Qt.Qt.DashDotLine,
6  Qt.Qt.DashDotDotLine,
7  )

◆ pens

gepetto.gui.path_graph.pens = []

◆ qpen

gepetto.gui.path_graph.qpen = Qt.QPen(c)