hpp-manipulation-corba  4.9.0
Corba server for manipulation planning
Package documentation


This package implements a Corba server running hpp-manipulation package functions and the corresponding client.

The corba server part is compiled into library libhpp-manipulation-corba.so that implements the following class:

The client part is provided through python module hpp.corbaserver.manipulation

An executable called hpp-manipulation-server is installed. This executable runs

See these package documentations for details.

How to communicate with the CORBA server

The easiest way to launch hpp-manipulation-server executable is to open a python terminal and type:

from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation import Client as ManipulationClient
mcl = ManipulationClient ()

Then variable mcl contains a member problem that can send requests to the server. For instance

mcl.problem.loadHumanoidModel ("hrp2_14", "freeflyer",
"hrp2_14_description", "hrp2_14",
"_capsule", "_capsule")

Some python classes are provided that embed corba clients and that forward corba resquest to the server side:

How to embed a server in an application

Embedding the corba server into an application can be done by linking the application with libhpp-manipulation-corba.so in a similar way as hpp-corbaserver corba server. See documentation of classes hpp::corbaServer::Server and hpp::manipulation::Server for details.