| ActionModelCodeGenTpl (boost::shared_ptr< ADBase > admodel, boost::shared_ptr< Base > model, const std::string &library_name, const std::size_t n_env=0, std::function< void(boost::shared_ptr< ADBase >, const Eigen::Ref< const ADVectorXs > &)> fn_record_env=empty_record_env, const std::string &function_name_calc="calc", const std::string &function_name_calcDiff="calcDiff") |
void | calc (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &u) |
| Compute the next state and cost value. More...
void | calcDiff (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &u) |
| Compute the derivatives of the dynamics and cost functions. More...
void | collect_calcDiffout () |
void | collect_calcout () |
void | compileLib () |
boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > | createData () |
| Create the action data. More...
bool | existLib () const |
Eigen::DenseIndex | getInputDimension () const |
| Dimension of the input vector.
void | initLib () |
void | loadLib (const bool generate_if_not_exist=true) |
void | recordCalc () |
void | recordCalcDiff () |
void | set_env (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &env_val) const |
| ActionModelAbstractTpl (boost::shared_ptr< StateAbstract > state, const std::size_t nu, const std::size_t nr=0, const std::size_t ng=0, const std::size_t nh=0, const std::size_t ng_T=0, const std::size_t nh_T=0) |
| Initialize the action model. More...
virtual void | calc (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x) |
| Compute the total cost value for nodes that depends only on the state. More...
virtual void | calcDiff (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x) |
| Compute the derivatives of the cost functions with respect to the state only. More...
virtual bool | checkData (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data) |
| Checks that a specific data belongs to this model.
virtual const VectorXs & | get_g_lb () const |
| Return the lower bound of the inequality constraints.
virtual const VectorXs & | get_g_ub () const |
| Return the upper bound of the inequality constraints.
bool | get_has_control_limits () const |
| Indicates if there are defined control limits.
virtual std::size_t | get_ng () const |
| Return the number of inequality constraints.
virtual std::size_t | get_ng_T () const |
| Return the number of inequality terminal constraints.
virtual std::size_t | get_nh () const |
| Return the number of equality constraints.
virtual std::size_t | get_nh_T () const |
| Return the number of equality terminal constraints.
std::size_t | get_nr () const |
| Return the dimension of the cost-residual vector.
std::size_t | get_nu () const |
| Return the dimension of the control input.
const boost::shared_ptr< StateAbstract > & | get_state () const |
| Return the state.
const VectorXs & | get_u_lb () const |
| Return the control lower bound.
const VectorXs & | get_u_ub () const |
| Return the control upper bound.
virtual void | print (std::ostream &os) const |
| Print relevant information of the action model. More...
virtual void | quasiStatic (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, Eigen::Ref< VectorXs > u, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorXs > &x, const std::size_t maxiter=100, const Scalar tol=Scalar(1e-9)) |
| Computes the quasic static commands. More...
VectorXs | quasiStatic_x (const boost::shared_ptr< ActionDataAbstract > &data, const VectorXs &x, const std::size_t maxiter=100, const Scalar tol=Scalar(1e-9)) |
void | set_g_lb (const VectorXs &g_lb) |
| Modify the lower bound of the inequality constraints.
void | set_g_ub (const VectorXs &g_ub) |
| Modify the upper bound of the inequality constraints.
void | set_u_lb (const VectorXs &u_lb) |
| Modify the control lower bounds.
void | set_u_ub (const VectorXs &u_ub) |
| Modify the control upper bounds.
ADFun | ad_calc |
ADFun | ad_calcDiff |
ADVectorXs | ad_calcDiffout |
ADVectorXs | ad_calcout |
boost::shared_ptr< ADActionDataAbstract > | ad_data |
boost::shared_ptr< ADBase > | ad_model |
ADVectorXs | ad_X |
ADVectorXs | ad_X2 |
bool | build_forward |
| Options to generate or not the source code for the evaluation function.
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::GenericModel< Scalar > > | calcDiffFun_ptr |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::ModelCSourceGen< Scalar > > | calcDiffgen_ptr |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::GenericModel< Scalar > > | calcFun_ptr |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::ModelCSourceGen< Scalar > > | calcgen_ptr |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::DynamicLib< Scalar > > | dynamicLib_ptr |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::DynamicModelLibraryProcessor< Scalar > > | dynamicLibManager_ptr |
std::function< void(boost::shared_ptr< ADBase >, const Eigen::Ref< const ADVectorXs > &)> | fn_record_env |
| A function that updates the environment variables before starting record.
const std::string | function_name_calc |
| Name of the function.
const std::string | function_name_calcDiff |
bool | has_control_limits_ |
std::unique_ptr< CppAD::cg::ModelLibraryCSourceGen< Scalar > > | libcgen_ptr |
const std::string | library_name |
| Name of the library.
boost::shared_ptr< Base > | model |
| < Upper control limits
const std::size_t | n_env |
| Size of the environment variables.
std::size_t | nr_ |
std::size_t | nu_ |
| < Dimension of the cost residual
boost::shared_ptr< StateAbstract > | state_ |
| < Control dimension
VectorXs | u_lb_ |
| < Model of the state
VectorXs | u_ub_ |
| < Lower control limits
VectorXs | g_lb_ |
| Lower bound of the inequality constraints.
VectorXs | g_ub_ |
| Lower bound of the inequality constraints.
bool | has_control_limits_ |
std::size_t | ng_ |
| Number of inequality constraints.
std::size_t | ng_T_ |
| Number of inequality terminal constraints.
std::size_t | nh_ |
| Number of equality constraints.
std::size_t | nh_T_ |
| Number of equality terminal constraints.
std::size_t | nr_ |
| Dimension of the cost residual.
std::size_t | nu_ |
| Control dimension.
boost::shared_ptr< StateAbstract > | state_ |
| Model of the state.
VectorXs | u_lb_ |
| Lower control limits.
VectorXs | u_ub_ |
| Upper control limits.
VectorXs | unone_ |
| Neutral state.
template<typename _Scalar>
class crocoddyl::ActionModelCodeGenTpl< _Scalar >
Definition at line 25 of file action-base.hpp.