hpp-corbaserver  4.9.0
Corba server for Humanoid Path Planner applications
hpp::corbaserver::Problem Interface Reference

To define and solve a path planning problem. More...


Public Member Functions

void setRandomSeed (in long seed) raises (Error)
 Set random seed of random number generator. More...
void setMaxNumThreads (in unsigned short n) raises (Error)
 Set the maximum number of threads. More...
unsigned short getMaxNumThreads () raises (Error)
 Get the maximum number of concurrent access to the device (in thread safe areas). More...
Names_t getAvailable (in string type) raises (Error)
Names_t getSelected (in string type) raises (Error)
void setParameter (in string name, in any value) raises (Error)
any getParameter (in string name) raises (Error)
string getParameterDoc (in string name) raises (Error)
boolean selectProblem (in string name) raises (Error)
void resetProblem () raises (Error)
 Reset the current problem. More...
boolean loadPlugin (in string pluginName) raises (Error)
 Load a plugin into the current ProblemSolver. More...
void movePathToProblem (in unsigned long pathId, in string problemName, in Names_t jointNames) raises (Error)
Initial and goal configurations
void setInitialConfig (in floatSeq dofArray) raises (Error)
floatSeq getInitialConfig () raises (Error)
void addGoalConfig (in floatSeq dofArray) raises (Error)
 Add goal configuration to specified problem. More...
floatSeqSeq getGoalConfigs () raises (Error)
void resetGoalConfigs () raises (Error)
 Reset goal configurations. More...
boolean applyConstraints (in floatSeq input, out floatSeq output, out double residualError) raises (Error)
boolean optimize (in floatSeq input, out floatSeq output, out floatSeq residualError) raises (Error)
void computeValueAndJacobian (in floatSeq config, out floatSeq value, out floatSeqSeq jacobian) raises (Error)
boolean generateValidConfig (in unsigned long maxIter, out floatSeq output, out double residualError) raises (Error)
void createOrientationConstraint (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in Quaternion_ p, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createTransformationConstraint (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in Transform_ ref, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createTransformationSE3Constraint (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in Transform_ frame1, in Transform_ frame2, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createTransformationConstraint2 (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in Transform_ frame1, in Transform_ frame2, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createLockedJoint (in string lockedJointName, in string jointName, in floatSeq value) raises (Error)
void createLockedExtraDof (in string lockedDofName, in unsigned long index, in floatSeq value) raises (Error)
void createManipulability (in string name, in string function) raises (Error)
void createComBeetweenFeet (in string constraintName, in string comName, in string jointLName, in string jointRName, in floatSeq pointL, in floatSeq pointR, in string jointRefName, in floatSeq pointRef, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createRelativeComConstraint (in string constraintName, in string comName, in string jointLName, in floatSeq point, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createConvexShapeContactConstraint (in string constraintName, in Names_t floorJoints, in Names_t objectJoints, in floatSeqSeq pts, in intSeqSeq objectTriangles, in intSeqSeq floorTriangles) raises (Error)
void createStaticStabilityConstraint (in string constraintName, in Names_t jointNames, in floatSeqSeq points, in floatSeqSeq normals, in string comRootJointName) raises (Error)
void createPositionConstraint (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in floatSeq point1, in floatSeq point2, in boolSeq mask) raises (Error)
void createConfigurationConstraint (in string constraintName, in floatSeq goal, in floatSeq weights) raises (Error)
void createDistanceBetweenJointConstraint (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in string joint2Name, in double distance) raises (Error)
void createDistanceBetweenJointAndObjects (in string constraintName, in string joint1Name, in Names_t objects, in double distance) raises (Error)
void createIdentityConstraint (in string constraintName, in Names_t inJoints, in Names_t outJoints) raises (Error)
void resetConstraints () raises (Error)
 Reset constraints. More...
void resetConstraintMap () raises (Error)
 Delete all the constraint in the ProblemSolver map. More...
void addPassiveDofs (in string constraintName, in Names_t jointNames) raises (Error)
void getConstraintDimensions (in string constraintName, out unsigned long inputSize, out unsigned long inputDerivativeSize, out unsigned long outputSize, out unsigned long outputDerivativeSize) raises (Error)
 Get constraint dimensions. More...
void setConstantRightHandSide (in string constraintName, in boolean constant) raises (Error)
boolean getConstantRightHandSide (in string constraintName) raises (Error)
floatSeq getRightHandSide () raises (Error)
 Get right hand side of constraints in config projector. More...
void setRightHandSide (in floatSeq rhs) raises (Error)
void setRightHandSideFromConfig (in floatSeq config) raises (Error)
void setRightHandSideByName (in string constraintName, in floatSeq rhs) raises (Error)
void setRightHandSideFromConfigByName (in string constraintName, in floatSeq config) raises (Error)
void addNumericalConstraints (in string configProjName, in Names_t constraintNames, in intSeq priorities) raises (Error)
void setNumericalConstraintsLastPriorityOptional (in boolean optional) raises (Error)
void addLockedJointConstraints (in string configProjName, in Names_t lockedJointNames) raises (Error)
string displayConstraints () raises (Error)
 Display the constraint in the ConfigProjector. More...
double getErrorThreshold () raises (Error)
 Get error threshold in numerical constraint resolution. More...
void setErrorThreshold (in double threshold) raises (Error)
 Set error threshold in numerical constraint resolution. More...
void setDefaultLineSearchType (in string type) raises (Error)
unsigned long getMaxIterProjection () raises (Error)
 Set maximal number of iterations in numerical constraint resolution. More...
void setMaxIterProjection (in unsigned long iterations) raises (Error)
 Set maximal number of iterations in numerical constraint resolution. More...
unsigned long getMaxIterPathPlanning () raises (Error)
 Get maximal number of iterations in path planning. More...
void setMaxIterPathPlanning (in unsigned long iterations) raises (Error)
 Set maximal number of iterations in path planning. More...
Symbolic calculus
void scCreateScalarMultiply (in string outName, in double scalar, in string inName) raises (Error)
 See hpp::constraints::ScalarMultiply. More...
double getTimeOutPathPlanning () raises (Error)
 Get time out in path planning (in seconds) More...
void setTimeOutPathPlanning (in double timeOut) raises (Error)
 Set time out in path planning (in seconds) More...
Collision checking
void filterCollisionPairs () raises (Error)
Solve problem and get paths
void selectPathPlanner (in string pathPlannerType) raises (Error)
void selectConfigurationShooter (in string configurationShooterType) raises (Error)
void selectDistance (in string distanceType) raises (Error)
void selectSteeringMethod (in string steeringMethodType) raises (Error)
void addPathOptimizer (in string pathOptimizerType) raises (Error)
void clearPathOptimizers () raises (Error)
 Clear the vector of path optimizers. More...
void addConfigValidation (in string configValidationType) raises (Error)
void clearConfigValidations () raises (Error)
 Clear the vector of config validations. More...
void selectPathValidation (in string pathValidationType, in double tolerance) raises (Error)
void selectPathProjector (in string pathProjectorType, in double tolerance) raises (Error)
boolean prepareSolveStepByStep () raises (Error)
boolean executeOneStep () raises (Error)
void finishSolveStepByStep () raises (Error)
intSeq solve () raises (Error)
boolean directPath (in floatSeq startConfig, in floatSeq endConfig, in boolean validate, out unsigned long pathId, out string report) raises (Error)
boolean reversePath (in unsigned long pathId, out unsigned long reversedPathId) raises (Error)
void addConfigToRoadmap (in floatSeq config) raises (Error)
void addEdgeToRoadmap (in floatSeq config1, in floatSeq config2, in unsigned long pathId, in boolean bothEdges) raises (Error)
void appendDirectPath (in unsigned long pathId, in floatSeq config, in boolean validate) raises (Error)
 Append a path to an existing path. More...
void concatenatePath (in unsigned long startId, in unsigned long endId) raises (Error)
 Concatenate path endId at the end of startId. More...
void extractPath (in unsigned long pathId, in double start, in double end) raises (Error)
 extract path pathId from param start to end More...
void erasePath (in unsigned long pathId) raises (Error)
 Erase path pathId from stored. More...
boolean projectPath (in unsigned long patId) raises (Error)
long numberPaths () raises (Error)
 Get Number of paths. More...
intSeq optimizePath (in unsigned long inPathId) raises (Error)
double pathLength (in unsigned long inPathId) raises (Error)
floatSeq configAtParam (in unsigned long inPathId, in double atDistance) raises (Error)
floatSeq derivativeAtParam (in unsigned long inPathId, in unsigned long orderId, in double atDistance) raises (Error)
floatSeqSeq getWaypoints (in unsigned long pathId, out floatSeq times) raises (Error)
Interruption of a path planning request
void interruptPathPlanning () raises (Error)
 Interrupt path planning activity. More...
exploring the roadmap
floatSeqSeq nodes () raises (Error)
 Nodes of the roadmap. More...
long numberNodes () raises (Error)
floatSeq node (in unsigned long nodeId) raises (Error)
long connectedComponentOfEdge (in unsigned long edgeId) raises (Error)
 return the connected component index of the edge More...
long connectedComponentOfNode (in unsigned long nodeId) raises (Error)
 return the connected component index of the node More...
long numberEdges () raises (Error)
 Number of edges. More...
void edge (in unsigned long edgeId, out floatSeq q1, out floatSeq q2) raises (Error)
 Edge at given rank. More...
long numberConnectedComponents ()
 Number of connected components. More...
floatSeqSeq nodesConnectedComponent (in unsigned long connectedComponentId) raises (Error)
floatSeq getNearestConfig (in floatSeq config, in long connectedComponentId, out double distance) raises (Error)
void clearRoadmap () raises (Error)
 Clear the roadmap. More...
void resetRoadmap () raises (Error)
void saveRoadmap (in string filename) raises (Error)
void readRoadmap (in string filename) raises (Error)
core_idl::Distance getDistance () raises (Error)
void setDistance (in core_idl::Distance distance) raises (Error)
core_idl::Path getPath (in unsigned long pathId) raises (Error)
unsigned long addPath (in core_idl::PathVector _path) raises (Error)
core_idl::SteeringMethod getSteeringMethod () raises (Error)
core_idl::PathValidation getPathValidation () raises (Error)
core_idl::PathPlanner getPathPlanner () raises (Error)
core_idl::Problem getProblem () raises (Error)
constraints_idl::Implicit getConstraint (in string constraintName) raises (Error)
void setRobot (in pinocchio_idl::Device robot) raises (Error)

Detailed Description

To define and solve a path planning problem.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addConfigToRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addConfigToRoadmap ( in floatSeq  config)
raises (Error

add a configuration to a roadmap

configConfiguration to add

A node is created if necessary.

◆ addConfigValidation()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addConfigValidation ( in string  configValidationType)
raises (Error

Add a config validation

Nameof the config validation type, either "CollisionValidation" or "JointBoundValidation" or any type added by core::ProblemSolver::addConfigValidationType

◆ addEdgeToRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addEdgeToRoadmap ( in floatSeq  config1,
in floatSeq  config2,
in unsigned long  pathId,
in boolean  bothEdges 
raises (Error

Add an edge to the roadmap.

config1configuration of start node,
config2configuration of destination node,
pathIdindex of the path to store in the edge in the path vector,
bothEdgeswhether to also insert edge from destination node to start node.
See also

◆ addGoalConfig()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addGoalConfig ( in floatSeq  dofArray)
raises (Error

Add goal configuration to specified problem.

dofArrayArray of degrees of freedom

◆ addLockedJointConstraints()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addLockedJointConstraints ( in string  configProjName,
in Names_t  lockedJointNames 
raises (Error

Add locked joints by names in ConfigProjector

configProjNameName of the config projector if created by this method,
lockedJointNamesnames of the locked joints,

Locked joints should have been added in the ProblemSolver local map.

◆ addNumericalConstraints()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addNumericalConstraints ( in string  configProjName,
in Names_t  constraintNames,
in intSeq  priorities 
raises (Error

Add numerical constraints by names in ConfigProjector

configProjNameName of the config projector if created by this method,
constraintNamesnames of the constraints to apply,

Constraints should have been added in the ProblemSolver local map.

◆ addPassiveDofs()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addPassiveDofs ( in string  constraintName,
in Names_t  jointNames 
raises (Error

Add vector of passive dofs into the ProblemSolver local map

constraintNameName of the vector of passive dofs,
jointNamesa sequence of joint names.

◆ addPath()

unsigned long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addPath ( in core_idl::PathVector  _path)
raises (Error

◆ addPathOptimizer()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::addPathOptimizer ( in string  pathOptimizerType)
raises (Error

Add a path optimizer

Nameof the path optimizer type, either "RandomShortcut" or any type added by core::ProblemSolver::addPathOptimizerType

◆ appendDirectPath()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::appendDirectPath ( in unsigned long  pathId,
in floatSeq  config,
in boolean  validate 
raises (Error

Append a path to an existing path.

pathIdId of the path in this problem,
configend configuration of the new path.
Errorif steering method fails to create a direct path of if direct path is not valid Call steering method between end of path and input config and append direct path in case of success.

◆ applyConstraints()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::applyConstraints ( in floatSeq  input,
out floatSeq  output,
out double  residualError 
raises (Error

Apply constaints to a configuration

constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

inputinput configuration,
Return values
outputoutput configuration,
errornorm of the residual error.

◆ clearConfigValidations()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::clearConfigValidations ( )
raises (Error

Clear the vector of config validations.

◆ clearPathOptimizers()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::clearPathOptimizers ( )
raises (Error

Clear the vector of path optimizers.

◆ clearRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::clearRoadmap ( )
raises (Error

Clear the roadmap.

◆ computeValueAndJacobian()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::computeValueAndJacobian ( in floatSeq  config,
out floatSeq  value,
out floatSeqSeq  jacobian 
raises (Error

Compute value and Jacobian of numerical constraints

configinput configuration
Return values
valuevalues of the numerical constraints stacked in a unique vector,
Jacobianof the numerical constraints stacked in a unique matrix.

Columns of the Jacobian corresponding to locked joints are omitted, columns corresponding to passive dofs are set to 0.

◆ concatenatePath()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::concatenatePath ( in unsigned long  startId,
in unsigned long  endId 
raises (Error

Concatenate path endId at the end of startId.

No path are created. The resulting path is at rank startId.

◆ configAtParam()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::configAtParam ( in unsigned long  inPathId,
in double  atDistance 
raises (Error

Get the robot config at param on a path

inPathIdrank of the path in the problem
atDistance: the user parameter choice
floatSeq : the config at param

◆ connectedComponentOfEdge()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::connectedComponentOfEdge ( in unsigned long  edgeId)
raises (Error

return the connected component index of the edge

◆ connectedComponentOfNode()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::connectedComponentOfNode ( in unsigned long  nodeId)
raises (Error

return the connected component index of the node

◆ createComBeetweenFeet()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createComBeetweenFeet ( in string  constraintName,
in string  comName,
in string  jointLName,
in string  jointRName,
in floatSeq  pointL,
in floatSeq  pointR,
in string  jointRefName,
in floatSeq  pointRef,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create ComBeetweenFeet constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
comNamename of a partial com computation object in problem solver map. Set "" for a full COM computation.
jointLNamename of first joint
jointRNamename of second joint
pointLpoint in local frame of jointL.
pointRpoint in local frame of jointR.
jointRefNamename of second joint
pointRefpoint in local frame of jointRef
maskSelect axis to be constrained. If jointRef is "", the global frame is used. Constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createConfigurationConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createConfigurationConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in floatSeq  goal,
in floatSeq  weights 
raises (Error
weightsvector of weights on each DoF

◆ createConvexShapeContactConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createConvexShapeContactConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in Names_t  floorJoints,
in Names_t  objectJoints,
in floatSeqSeq  pts,
in intSeqSeq  objectTriangles,
in intSeqSeq  floorTriangles 
raises (Error

◆ createDistanceBetweenJointAndObjects()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createDistanceBetweenJointAndObjects ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in Names_t  objects,
in double  distance 
raises (Error

Create distance constraint between robot and environment objects

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint,
objectsnames of environment objects,
distancedesired distance between joint bodies. Constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createDistanceBetweenJointConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createDistanceBetweenJointConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in double  distance 
raises (Error

Create distance constraint between robot objects

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint,
joint2Namename of second joint,
distancedesired distance between joint bodies. Constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createIdentityConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createIdentityConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in Names_t  inJoints,
in Names_t  outJoints 
raises (Error

Create identity constraint between several joints.

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
inJointsname of the input joints,
outJointsname of the output joints, Constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object
See also

◆ createLockedExtraDof()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createLockedExtraDof ( in string  lockedDofName,
in unsigned long  index,
in floatSeq  value 
raises (Error

Create a locked extradof hpp::manipulation::ProblemSolver map

lockedDofNamekey of the constraint in the Problem Solver map
indexindex of the extra dof (0 means the first extra dof)
valuevalue of the extra dof configuration. The size of this vector defines the size of the constraints.

◆ createLockedJoint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createLockedJoint ( in string  lockedJointName,
in string  jointName,
in floatSeq  value 
raises (Error

Create a LockedJoint constraint with given value

lockedJointNamekey of the constraint in the ProblemSolver map,
jointNamename of the joint,
valuevalue of the joint configuration,

◆ createManipulability()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createManipulability ( in string  name,
in string  function 
raises (Error

Create a manipulatibility constraint

namekey of the constraint in the Problem Solver map
functionname of the function used to get the Jacobian matrix.

◆ createOrientationConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createOrientationConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in Quaternion_  p,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create orientation constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint
joint2Namename of second joint
pquaternion representing the desired orientation of joint2 in the frame of joint1.
maskSelect which axis to be constrained. If joint1 of joint2 is "", the corresponding joint is replaced by the global frame. constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createPositionConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createPositionConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in floatSeq  point1,
in floatSeq  point2,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create position constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint
joint2Namename of second joint
point1point in local frame of joint1,
point2point in local frame of joint2.
maskSelect which axis to be constrained. If joint1 of joint2 is "", the corresponding joint is replaced by the global frame. constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createRelativeComConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createRelativeComConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  comName,
in string  jointLName,
in floatSeq  point,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create RelativeCom constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
comNamename of CenterOfMassComputation
jointNamename of joint
pointpoint in local frame of joint.
maskSelect axis to be constrained. If jointName is "", the robot root joint is used. Constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object

◆ createStaticStabilityConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createStaticStabilityConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in Names_t  jointNames,
in floatSeqSeq  points,
in floatSeqSeq  normals,
in string  comRootJointName 
raises (Error

◆ createTransformationConstraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createTransformationConstraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in Transform_  ref,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create transformation constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint
joint2Namename of second joint
refdesired transformation of joint2 in the frame of joint1.
maskSelect which axis to be constrained. If joint1 of joint2 is "", the corresponding joint is replaced by the global frame. constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object with key constraintName

◆ createTransformationConstraint2()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createTransformationConstraint2 ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in Transform_  frame1,
in Transform_  frame2,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create transformation constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint
joint2Namename of second joint
frame1desired frame in joint1
frame2desired frame in joint2
maskSelect which axis to be constrained. If joint1 of joint2 is "", the corresponding joint is replaced by the global frame. constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object with key constraintName

◆ createTransformationSE3Constraint()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::createTransformationSE3Constraint ( in string  constraintName,
in string  joint1Name,
in string  joint2Name,
in Transform_  frame1,
in Transform_  frame2,
in boolSeq  mask 
raises (Error

Create transformation constraint between two joints

constraintNamename of the constraint created,
joint1Namename of first joint
joint2Namename of second joint
frame1desired frame in joint1
frame2desired frame in joint2
maskSelect which axis to be constrained. If joint1 of joint2 is "", the corresponding joint is replaced by the global frame. constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object with key constraintName
the function outputs an element of SE3

◆ derivativeAtParam()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::derivativeAtParam ( in unsigned long  inPathId,
in unsigned long  orderId,
in double  atDistance 
raises (Error

Get the robot velocity at param on a path

inPathIdrank of the path in the problem
orderIdorder of the derivative
atDistance: the user parameter choice
floatSeq : the velocity at param

◆ directPath()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::directPath ( in floatSeq  startConfig,
in floatSeq  endConfig,
in boolean  validate,
out unsigned long  pathId,
out string  report 
raises (Error

Make direct connection between two configurations

startConfig,endConfigthe configurations to link.
validatewhether path should be validated. If true, path validation is called and only valid part of path is inserted in the path vector.
Return values
pathIdreturns index of copmuted path in path vector.
reportthe reason why the config is not valid.
TRUE if created path is fully valid.

◆ displayConstraints()

string hpp::corbaserver::Problem::displayConstraints ( )
raises (Error

Display the constraint in the ConfigProjector.

◆ edge()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::edge ( in unsigned long  edgeId,
out floatSeq  q1,
out floatSeq  q2 
raises (Error

Edge at given rank.

◆ erasePath()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::erasePath ( in unsigned long  pathId)
raises (Error

Erase path pathId from stored.

◆ executeOneStep()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::executeOneStep ( )
raises (Error

Execute one step of the planner.

True if a path has been found.
This won't check if a solution has been found before doing one step. The decision to stop planning is let to the user.

◆ extractPath()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::extractPath ( in unsigned long  pathId,
in double  start,
in double  end 
raises (Error

extract path pathId from param start to end

a New path is added to problem-solver

◆ filterCollisionPairs()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::filterCollisionPairs ( )
raises (Error

Build matrix of relative motions between joints

See hpp::core::Problem::filterCollisionPairs.

◆ finishSolveStepByStep()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::finishSolveStepByStep ( )
raises (Error

Finish the step-by-step planning. The path optimizer is not called

◆ generateValidConfig()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::generateValidConfig ( in unsigned long  maxIter,
out floatSeq  output,
out double  residualError 
raises (Error

Generate random configuration and apply constaints to a configuration

constraints are stored in ProblemSolver object The class hpp::core::BasicConfigurationShooter is used for random generation of configuration.

maxItermaximum number of tries,
Return values
outputoutput configuration,
errornorm of the residual error.

◆ getAvailable()

Names_t hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getAvailable ( in string  type)
raises (Error

Return a list of available elements of type type

typeenter "type" to know what types I know of. This is case insensitive.

◆ getConstantRightHandSide()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getConstantRightHandSide ( in string  constraintName)
raises (Error

Get whether right hand side of a numerical constraint is constant

constraintNameName of the numerical constraint,
whether right hand side is constant

◆ getConstraint()

constraints_idl::Implicit hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getConstraint ( in string  constraintName)
raises (Error

◆ getConstraintDimensions()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getConstraintDimensions ( in string  constraintName,
out unsigned long  inputSize,
out unsigned long  inputDerivativeSize,
out unsigned long  outputSize,
out unsigned long  outputDerivativeSize 
raises (Error

Get constraint dimensions.

◆ getDistance()

core_idl::Distance hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getDistance ( )
raises (Error

◆ getErrorThreshold()

double hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getErrorThreshold ( )
raises (Error

Get error threshold in numerical constraint resolution.

◆ getGoalConfigs()

floatSeqSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getGoalConfigs ( )
raises (Error

Get goal configurations of specified problem.

Array of degrees of freedom

◆ getInitialConfig()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getInitialConfig ( )
raises (Error

Get initial configuration of specified problem.

Array of degrees of freedom

◆ getMaxIterPathPlanning()

unsigned long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getMaxIterPathPlanning ( )
raises (Error

Get maximal number of iterations in path planning.

◆ getMaxIterProjection()

unsigned long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getMaxIterProjection ( )
raises (Error

Set maximal number of iterations in numerical constraint resolution.

◆ getMaxNumThreads()

unsigned short hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getMaxNumThreads ( )
raises (Error

Get the maximum number of concurrent access to the device (in thread safe areas).

◆ getNearestConfig()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getNearestConfig ( in floatSeq  config,
in long  connectedComponentId,
out double  distance 
raises (Error

Return nearest neighbour of given input configuration.

connectedComponentIdis the index of a connected component in the roadmap. If connectedComponentId is negative, function goes through all connected components looking for the nearest node (configuration).
distancereturns the one-dimensional distance between
configand computed nearest node (configuration).

◆ getParameter()

any hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getParameter ( in string  name)
raises (Error

Get parameter with given name raise an exception when the parameter is not found.

◆ getParameterDoc()

string hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getParameterDoc ( in string  name)
raises (Error

Get parameter documentation raise an exception when the parameter is not found.

◆ getPath()

core_idl::Path hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getPath ( in unsigned long  pathId)
raises (Error

◆ getPathPlanner()

core_idl::PathPlanner hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getPathPlanner ( )
raises (Error

◆ getPathValidation()

core_idl::PathValidation hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getPathValidation ( )
raises (Error

◆ getProblem()

core_idl::Problem hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getProblem ( )
raises (Error

◆ getRightHandSide()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getRightHandSide ( )
raises (Error

Get right hand side of constraints in config projector.

◆ getSelected()

Names_t hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getSelected ( in string  type)
raises (Error

Return a list of selected elements of type type

typeenter "type" to know what types I know of. This is case insensitive.
For most of the types, the list will contain only one element.

◆ getSteeringMethod()

core_idl::SteeringMethod hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getSteeringMethod ( )
raises (Error

◆ getTimeOutPathPlanning()

double hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getTimeOutPathPlanning ( )
raises (Error

Get time out in path planning (in seconds)

◆ getWaypoints()

floatSeqSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::getWaypoints ( in unsigned long  pathId,
out floatSeq  times 
raises (Error

Get way points of a path

pathIdrank of the path in the problem

◆ interruptPathPlanning()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::interruptPathPlanning ( )
raises (Error

Interrupt path planning activity.

this request is effective only when multi-thread policy is used by CORBA server. See constructor of class Server for details.

◆ loadPlugin()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::loadPlugin ( in string  pluginName)
raises (Error

Load a plugin into the current ProblemSolver.

pluginNameeither an absolute filename or a filename relative to <a_path_in_LD_LIBRARY_PATH>/hppPlugins.
This is reset each time resetProblem is called.

◆ movePathToProblem()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::movePathToProblem ( in unsigned long  pathId,
in string  problemName,
in Names_t  jointNames 
raises (Error

Move a path from the current problem to another problem.

problemNamethe destination problem
jointNamesa list of joint names representing the subchain to extract from the original path.
the configuration parameter can be selected but not reorganized.

◆ node()

floatSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::node ( in unsigned long  nodeId)
raises (Error

◆ nodes()

floatSeqSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::nodes ( )
raises (Error

Nodes of the roadmap.

◆ nodesConnectedComponent()

floatSeqSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::nodesConnectedComponent ( in unsigned long  connectedComponentId)
raises (Error

Nodes of a connected component

connectedComponentIdindex of connected component in roadmap
list of nodes of the connected component.

◆ numberConnectedComponents()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::numberConnectedComponents ( )

Number of connected components.

◆ numberEdges()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::numberEdges ( )
raises (Error

Number of edges.

◆ numberNodes()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::numberNodes ( )
raises (Error

◆ numberPaths()

long hpp::corbaserver::Problem::numberPaths ( )
raises (Error

Get Number of paths.

◆ optimize()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::optimize ( in floatSeq  input,
out floatSeq  output,
out floatSeq  residualError 
raises (Error

Find a local minimum of the least priority constraints

while respecting the other priorities.

inputinput configuration,
Return values
outputoutput configuration,

◆ optimizePath()

intSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::optimizePath ( in unsigned long  inPathId)
raises (Error

Optimize a given path

inPathIdId of the path in this problem.
the running time as 4 integers repectively representing the number of hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds.

◆ pathLength()

double hpp::corbaserver::Problem::pathLength ( in unsigned long  inPathId)
raises (Error

Get length of path

inPathIdrank of the path in the problem
length of path if path exists.

◆ prepareSolveStepByStep()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::prepareSolveStepByStep ( )
raises (Error

Prepare the solver for a step by step planning. and try to make direct connections (call PathPlanner::tryDirectPath)

True if a direct connection has been found.

◆ projectPath()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::projectPath ( in unsigned long  patId)
raises (Error

Apply the path projector method to the path

true in case of success.

◆ readRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::readRoadmap ( in string  filename)
raises (Error

Read a roadmap from a file

filenamename of the file from which the roadmap is read.

◆ resetConstraintMap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::resetConstraintMap ( )
raises (Error

Delete all the constraint in the ProblemSolver map.

It erases both the numerical and locked joint constraints This does not resetConstraints of the problem to be solved.

◆ resetConstraints()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::resetConstraints ( )
raises (Error

Reset constraints.

◆ resetGoalConfigs()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::resetGoalConfigs ( )
raises (Error

Reset goal configurations.

◆ resetProblem()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::resetProblem ( )
raises (Error

Reset the current problem.

◆ resetRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::resetRoadmap ( )
raises (Error

Reset the roadmap This should be done when joints bounds are modified because the KDTree must be resized.

◆ reversePath()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::reversePath ( in unsigned long  pathId,
out unsigned long  reversedPathId 
raises (Error

Reverse a path

TRUE if created path is fully valid.

◆ saveRoadmap()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::saveRoadmap ( in string  filename)
raises (Error

Save the current roadmap in a file

filenamename of the file where the roadmap is saved

◆ scCreateScalarMultiply()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::scCreateScalarMultiply ( in string  outName,
in double  scalar,
in string  inName 
raises (Error

◆ selectConfigurationShooter()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectConfigurationShooter ( in string  configurationShooterType)
raises (Error

Select configuration shooter type

Nameof the configuration planner type, either "Uniform" or any type added by method core::ProblemSolver::addConfigurationShooterType

◆ selectDistance()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectDistance ( in string  distanceType)
raises (Error

Select distance type

Nameof the distance type, either "WeighedDistance" or any type added by method core::ProblemSolver::addDistanceType

◆ selectPathPlanner()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectPathPlanner ( in string  pathPlannerType)
raises (Error

Select path planner type

Nameof the path planner type, either "DiffusingPlanner", "VisibilityPrmPlanner", or any type added by method core::ProblemSolver::addPathPlannerType

◆ selectPathProjector()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectPathProjector ( in string  pathProjectorType,
in double  tolerance 
raises (Error

Select path projector method

Nameof the path projector method, either "None" "Progressive", "Dichotomy", or any type added by core::ProblemSolver::addPathProjectorType,

◆ selectPathValidation()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectPathValidation ( in string  pathValidationType,
in double  tolerance 
raises (Error

Select path validation method

Nameof the path validation method, either "Discretized" "Progressive", "Dichotomy", or any type added by core::ProblemSolver::addPathValidationType,
tolerancemaximal acceptable penetration.

◆ selectProblem()

boolean hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectProblem ( in string  name)
raises (Error

Select a problem by its name. If no problem with this name exists, a new problem is created and selected.

namethe problem name.
true if a new problem was created.

◆ selectSteeringMethod()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::selectSteeringMethod ( in string  steeringMethodType)
raises (Error

Select steering method type

Nameof the steering method type, either "SteeringMethodStraight" or any type added by method core::ProblemSolver::addSteeringMethodType

◆ setConstantRightHandSide()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setConstantRightHandSide ( in string  constraintName,
in boolean  constant 
raises (Error

(Dis-)Allow to modify right hand side of a numerical constraint

constraintNameName of the numerical constraint,
constantwhether right hand side is constant

Constraints should have been added in the ProblemSolver local map, but not inserted in the config projector.

◆ setDefaultLineSearchType()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setDefaultLineSearchType ( in string  type)
raises (Error

◆ setDistance()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setDistance ( in core_idl::Distance  distance)
raises (Error

◆ setErrorThreshold()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setErrorThreshold ( in double  threshold)
raises (Error

Set error threshold in numerical constraint resolution.

◆ setInitialConfig()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setInitialConfig ( in floatSeq  dofArray)
raises (Error

Set initial configuration of specified problem.

dofArrayArray of degrees of freedom

◆ setMaxIterPathPlanning()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setMaxIterPathPlanning ( in unsigned long  iterations)
raises (Error

Set maximal number of iterations in path planning.

◆ setMaxIterProjection()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setMaxIterProjection ( in unsigned long  iterations)
raises (Error

Set maximal number of iterations in numerical constraint resolution.

◆ setMaxNumThreads()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setMaxNumThreads ( in unsigned short  n)
raises (Error

Set the maximum number of threads.

This parameter defines the number of possible concurrent access to the device.

◆ setNumericalConstraintsLastPriorityOptional()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setNumericalConstraintsLastPriorityOptional ( in boolean  optional)
raises (Error

Declare last priority order as optional in the numerical constraints

◆ setParameter()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setParameter ( in string  name,
in any  value 
raises (Error

Set a parameter

valuethe input type must be long, double, const char*

◆ setRandomSeed()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRandomSeed ( in long  seed)
raises (Error

Set random seed of random number generator.

◆ setRightHandSide()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRightHandSide ( in floatSeq  rhs)
raises (Error

Set right hand side of constraints in config projector

rhsright hand side of constraints. Contains only right hand side of non-constant constraints
Locked joints are also considered.

◆ setRightHandSideByName()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRightHandSideByName ( in string  constraintName,
in floatSeq  rhs 
raises (Error

Set right hand side of given constraint in config projector

constraintNamename of the numerical constraint or locked joint
rhsright hand side of constraint. raises an exception if constraint has constant right hand side.

◆ setRightHandSideFromConfig()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRightHandSideFromConfig ( in floatSeq  config)
raises (Error

Set right hand side of constraints in config projector

configa robot configuration use to compute the right hand side of constraints. Contains only right hand side of non-constant constraints
Locked joints are also considered.

◆ setRightHandSideFromConfigByName()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRightHandSideFromConfigByName ( in string  constraintName,
in floatSeq  config 
raises (Error

Set right hand side of given constraint in config projector

constraintNamename of the numerical constraint or locked joint
configa robot configuration use to compute the right hand side. raises an exception if constraint has constant right hand side.

◆ setRobot()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setRobot ( in pinocchio_idl::Device  robot)
raises (Error

◆ setTimeOutPathPlanning()

void hpp::corbaserver::Problem::setTimeOutPathPlanning ( in double  timeOut)
raises (Error

Set time out in path planning (in seconds)

◆ solve()

intSeq hpp::corbaserver::Problem::solve ( )
raises (Error

Solve the problem.

the running time as 4 integers repectively representing the number of hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: