typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryObject | GeometryObject |
typedef double | value_type |
typedef JointCollectionTpl< value_type, 0 > | JointCollection |
typedef ::pinocchio::JointIndex | JointIndex |
typedef ::pinocchio::FrameIndex | FrameIndex |
typedef ::pinocchio::GeomIndex | GeomIndex |
typedef ::pinocchio::ModelTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTpl > | Model |
typedef ::pinocchio::DataTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTpl > | Data |
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryModel | GeomModel |
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryData | GeomData |
typedef ::pinocchio::SE3 | Transform3f |
typedef ::pinocchio::SE3 | SE3 |
typedef ::pinocchio::JointModelTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTpl > | JointModel |
typedef Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | ArrayXb |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > | vector_t |
typedef vector_t | Configuration_t |
typedef Eigen::Ref< const Configuration_t > | ConfigurationIn_t |
typedef Eigen::Ref< Configuration_t > | ConfigurationOut_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Configuration_t > | ConfigurationPtr_t |
typedef Eigen::Ref< const vector_t > | vectorIn_t |
typedef Eigen::Ref< vector_t > | vectorOut_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > | matrix_t |
typedef Eigen::Ref< matrix_t > | matrixOut_t |
typedef matrix_t::Index | size_type |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, 3 > | matrix3_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, 1 > | vector3_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 4, 1 > | vector4_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 6, Eigen::Dynamic > | JointJacobian_t |
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic > | ComJacobian_t |
typedef Eigen::Block< JointJacobian_t, 3, Eigen::Dynamic > | HalfJointJacobian_t |
typedef JointVector | JointVector_t |
typedef ObjectVector | ObjectVector_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Body > | BodyPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Body > | BodyConstPtr_t |
typedef fcl::CollisionObject | FclCollisionObject |
typedef fcl::CollisionObject * | FclCollisionObjectPtr_t |
typedef const fcl::CollisionObject * | FclConstCollisionObjectPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CollisionObject > | CollisionObjectPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const CollisionObject > | CollisionObjectConstPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Device > | DevicePtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Device > | DeviceConstPtr_t |
typedef std::vector< fcl::DistanceResult > | DistanceResults_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< HumanoidRobot > | HumanoidRobotPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CenterOfMassComputation > | CenterOfMassComputationPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Joint > | JointPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Joint > | JointConstPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Gripper > | GripperPtr_t |
typedef std::vector< GripperPtr_t > | Grippers_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Model > | ModelPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Model > | ModelConstPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Data > | DataPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const Data > | DataConstPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GeomModel > | GeomModelPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GeomModel > | GeomModelConstPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GeomData > | GeomDataPtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GeomData > | GeomDataConstPtr_t |
typedef LiegroupElementConstBase< vectorIn_t > | LiegroupElementConstRef |
| Const reference to a LiegroupElement. More...
typedef LiegroupElementBase< vector_t > | LiegroupElement |
| Element of a Lie group. More...
typedef LiegroupElementBase< vectorOut_t > | LiegroupElementRef |
| Writable reference to a LiegroupElement. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LiegroupSpace > | LiegroupSpacePtr_t |
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const LiegroupSpace > | LiegroupSpaceConstPtr_t |
typedef JointCollection::JointModelVariant | JointModelVariant |
typedef JointCollection::JointDataVariant | JointDataVariant |
typedef ABoostVariant | LiegroupType |
typedef ::pinocchio::JointModelCompositeTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTpl > | JointModelComposite |
typedef HPP_PINOCCHIO_DEPRECATED RnxSOnLieGroupMap | LieGroupTpl |
void | saturate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t configuration) |
bool | saturate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t configuration, ArrayXb &saturation) |
template<bool saturateConfig, typename LieGroup > |
void | integrate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t configuration, vectorIn_t velocity, ConfigurationOut_t result) |
template<typename LieGroup > |
void | interpolate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q0, ConfigurationIn_t q1, const value_type &u, ConfigurationOut_t result) |
template<typename LieGroup > |
void | difference (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2, vectorOut_t result) |
bool | isApprox (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2, value_type eps) |
value_type | distance (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2) |
void | normalize (const DevicePtr_t &robot, Configuration_t &q) |
void | normalize (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t q) |
bool | isNormalized (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q, const value_type &eps) |
std::string | displayConfig (ConfigurationIn_t q, int precision=20) |
| Write configuration in a string. More...
std::ostream & | display (std::ostream &os, const SE3 &m) |
| Write a SE3 taking into account the indentation. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const hpp::pinocchio::Device &device) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Frame &frame) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (CollisionObject) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (HumanoidRobot) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (JointConfiguration) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (Gripper) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (CenterOfMassComputation) |
| HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (LiegroupSpace) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Gripper &gripper) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Joint &joint) |
template<typename vector_type > |
LiegroupElement | operator+ (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &e, vectorIn_t v) |
template<typename vector_type1 , typename vector_type2 > |
vector_t | operator- (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type1 > &e1, const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type2 > &e2) |
template<typename vector_type > |
vector_t | log (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &lge) |
| Compute the log as a tangent vector of a Lie group element. More...
template<typename vector_type > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &e) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LiegroupSpace &space) |
| Writing in a stream. More...
DevicePtr_t | humanoidSimple (const std::string &name="humanoidSimple", bool usingFF=true, Computation_t compFlags=(Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN)) |
DevicePtr_t | humanoidSimple (const std::string &name="humanoidSimple", Computation_t compFlags=(Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN)) |