hpp-pinocchio  4.9.1
Wrapping of the kinematic/dynamic chain Pinocchio for HPP.
hpp::pinocchio Namespace Reference




class  AbstractDevice
 Abstract class representing a Device. More...
class  Body
class  CenterOfMassComputation
class  CollisionObject
struct  DefaultLieGroupMap
class  Device
 Robot with geometric and dynamic pinocchio. More...
struct  DeviceData
class  DeviceSync
class  ExtraConfigSpace
class  Frame
 Robot frame. More...
class  Gripper
class  HumanoidRobot
 Humanoid robot. More...
class  Joint
struct  JointCollectionTpl
class  LiegroupElementBase
class  LiegroupElementConstBase
class  LiegroupSpace
class  Pool
 Pool of objects. More...
struct  RnxSOnLieGroupMap


typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryObject GeometryObject
typedef double value_type
typedef JointCollectionTpl< value_type, 0 > JointCollection
typedef ::pinocchio::JointIndex JointIndex
typedef ::pinocchio::FrameIndex FrameIndex
typedef ::pinocchio::GeomIndex GeomIndex
typedef ::pinocchio::ModelTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTplModel
typedef ::pinocchio::DataTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTplData
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryModel GeomModel
typedef ::pinocchio::GeometryData GeomData
typedef ::pinocchio::SE3 Transform3f
typedef ::pinocchio::SE3 SE3
typedef ::pinocchio::JointModelTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTplJointModel
typedef Eigen::Array< bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXb
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > vector_t
typedef vector_t Configuration_t
typedef Eigen::Ref< const Configuration_tConfigurationIn_t
typedef Eigen::Ref< Configuration_tConfigurationOut_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Configuration_tConfigurationPtr_t
typedef Eigen::Ref< const vector_tvectorIn_t
typedef Eigen::Ref< vector_tvectorOut_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > matrix_t
typedef Eigen::Ref< matrix_tmatrixOut_t
typedef matrix_t::Index size_type
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, 3 > matrix3_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, 1 > vector3_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 4, 1 > vector4_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 6, Eigen::Dynamic > JointJacobian_t
typedef Eigen::Matrix< value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic > ComJacobian_t
typedef Eigen::Block< JointJacobian_t, 3, Eigen::Dynamic > HalfJointJacobian_t
typedef JointVector JointVector_t
typedef ObjectVector ObjectVector_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< BodyBodyPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const BodyBodyConstPtr_t
typedef fcl::CollisionObject FclCollisionObject
typedef fcl::CollisionObjectFclCollisionObjectPtr_t
typedef const fcl::CollisionObjectFclConstCollisionObjectPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CollisionObjectCollisionObjectPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const CollisionObjectCollisionObjectConstPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DeviceDevicePtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const DeviceDeviceConstPtr_t
typedef std::vector< fcl::DistanceResultDistanceResults_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< HumanoidRobotHumanoidRobotPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< CenterOfMassComputationCenterOfMassComputationPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< JointJointPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const JointJointConstPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GripperGripperPtr_t
typedef std::vector< GripperPtr_tGrippers_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ModelModelPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const ModelModelConstPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DataDataPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const DataDataConstPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GeomModelGeomModelPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GeomModelGeomModelConstPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< GeomDataGeomDataPtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const GeomDataGeomDataConstPtr_t
typedef LiegroupElementConstBase< vectorIn_tLiegroupElementConstRef
 Const reference to a LiegroupElement. More...
typedef LiegroupElementBase< vector_tLiegroupElement
 Element of a Lie group. More...
typedef LiegroupElementBase< vectorOut_tLiegroupElementRef
 Writable reference to a LiegroupElement. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< LiegroupSpaceLiegroupSpacePtr_t
typedef boost::shared_ptr< const LiegroupSpaceLiegroupSpaceConstPtr_t
typedef JointCollection::JointModelVariant JointModelVariant
typedef JointCollection::JointDataVariant JointDataVariant
typedef ABoostVariant LiegroupType
typedef ::pinocchio::JointModelCompositeTpl< value_type, 0, JointCollectionTplJointModelComposite
typedef HPP_PINOCCHIO_DEPRECATED RnxSOnLieGroupMap LieGroupTpl


enum  Computation_t {
  COM = 0xf, COMPUTE_ALL = 0Xffff
enum  Request_t { COLLISION, DISTANCE }
enum  InOutType { INNER, OUTER }
enum  DerivativeProduct { DerivativeTimesInput, InputTimesDerivative }


void saturate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t configuration)
bool saturate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t configuration, ArrayXb &saturation)
template<bool saturateConfig, typename LieGroup >
void integrate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t configuration, vectorIn_t velocity, ConfigurationOut_t result)
template<typename LieGroup >
void interpolate (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q0, ConfigurationIn_t q1, const value_type &u, ConfigurationOut_t result)
template<typename LieGroup >
void difference (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2, vectorOut_t result)
bool isApprox (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2, value_type eps)
value_type distance (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q1, ConfigurationIn_t q2)
void normalize (const DevicePtr_t &robot, Configuration_t &q)
void normalize (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationOut_t q)
bool isNormalized (const DevicePtr_t &robot, ConfigurationIn_t q, const value_type &eps)
std::string displayConfig (ConfigurationIn_t q, int precision=20)
 Write configuration in a string. More...
std::ostream & display (std::ostream &os, const SE3 &m)
 Write a SE3 taking into account the indentation. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const hpp::pinocchio::Device &device)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Frame &frame)
 HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (CollisionObject)
 HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (HumanoidRobot)
 HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (JointConfiguration)
 HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (CenterOfMassComputation)
 HPP_PREDEF_CLASS (LiegroupSpace)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Gripper &gripper)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Joint &joint)
template<typename vector_type >
LiegroupElement operator+ (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &e, vectorIn_t v)
template<typename vector_type1 , typename vector_type2 >
vector_t operator- (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type1 > &e1, const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type2 > &e2)
template<typename vector_type >
vector_t log (const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &lge)
 Compute the log as a tangent vector of a Lie group element. More...
template<typename vector_type >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LiegroupSpace &space)
 Writing in a stream. More...
DevicePtr_t humanoidSimple (const std::string &name="humanoidSimple", bool usingFF=true, Computation_t compFlags=(Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN))
DevicePtr_t humanoidSimple (const std::string &name="humanoidSimple", Computation_t compFlags=(Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN))

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrayXb

typedef Eigen::Array<bool, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> hpp::pinocchio::ArrayXb

◆ BodyConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Body> hpp::pinocchio::BodyConstPtr_t

◆ BodyPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Body> hpp::pinocchio::BodyPtr_t

◆ CenterOfMassComputationPtr_t

◆ CollisionObjectConstPtr_t

◆ CollisionObjectPtr_t

◆ ComJacobian_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> hpp::pinocchio::ComJacobian_t

◆ Configuration_t

◆ ConfigurationIn_t

◆ ConfigurationOut_t

◆ ConfigurationPtr_t

◆ Data

◆ DataConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Data> hpp::pinocchio::DataConstPtr_t

◆ DataPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Data> hpp::pinocchio::DataPtr_t

◆ DeviceConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Device> hpp::pinocchio::DeviceConstPtr_t

◆ DevicePtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Device> hpp::pinocchio::DevicePtr_t

◆ DistanceResults_t

◆ FclCollisionObject

◆ FclCollisionObjectPtr_t

◆ FclConstCollisionObjectPtr_t

◆ FrameIndex

◆ GeomData

◆ GeomDataConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const GeomData> hpp::pinocchio::GeomDataConstPtr_t

◆ GeomDataPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<GeomData> hpp::pinocchio::GeomDataPtr_t

◆ GeometryObject

◆ GeomIndex

◆ GeomModel

◆ GeomModelConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const GeomModel> hpp::pinocchio::GeomModelConstPtr_t

◆ GeomModelPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<GeomModel> hpp::pinocchio::GeomModelPtr_t

◆ GripperPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Gripper> hpp::pinocchio::GripperPtr_t

◆ Grippers_t

◆ HalfJointJacobian_t

typedef Eigen::Block<JointJacobian_t, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> hpp::pinocchio::HalfJointJacobian_t

◆ HumanoidRobotPtr_t

◆ JointCollection

◆ JointConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Joint> hpp::pinocchio::JointConstPtr_t

◆ JointDataVariant

◆ JointIndex

◆ JointJacobian_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> hpp::pinocchio::JointJacobian_t

◆ JointModel

◆ JointModelComposite

◆ JointModelVariant

◆ JointPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Joint> hpp::pinocchio::JointPtr_t

◆ JointVector_t

typedef JointVector hpp::pinocchio::JointVector_t

◆ LiegroupElement

◆ LiegroupElementConstRef

◆ LiegroupElementRef

◆ LiegroupSpaceConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const LiegroupSpace> hpp::pinocchio::LiegroupSpaceConstPtr_t

◆ LiegroupSpacePtr_t

◆ LieGroupTpl

◆ matrix3_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 3, 3> hpp::pinocchio::matrix3_t

◆ matrix_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> hpp::pinocchio::matrix_t

◆ matrixOut_t

◆ Model

◆ ModelConstPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Model> hpp::pinocchio::ModelConstPtr_t

◆ ModelPtr_t

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Model> hpp::pinocchio::ModelPtr_t

◆ ObjectVector_t

typedef ObjectVector hpp::pinocchio::ObjectVector_t

◆ SE3

◆ size_type

typedef matrix_t::Index hpp::pinocchio::size_type

◆ Transform3f

◆ value_type

◆ vector3_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 3, 1> hpp::pinocchio::vector3_t

◆ vector4_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, 4, 1> hpp::pinocchio::vector4_t

◆ vector_t

typedef Eigen::Matrix<value_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> hpp::pinocchio::vector_t

◆ vectorIn_t

typedef Eigen::Ref<const vector_t> hpp::pinocchio::vectorIn_t

◆ vectorOut_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Computation_t


◆ InOutType


◆ Request_t


Function Documentation

◆ difference()

template<typename LieGroup >
void hpp::pinocchio::difference ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  q1,
ConfigurationIn_t  q2,
vectorOut_t  result 

Difference between two configurations as a vector

Template Parameters
LieGroupis a compile-time map of joint type to Lie group type, that defines the joint-wise operations.
robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
q1first configuration,
q2second configuration,
Return values
resultdifference as a vector $\textbf{v}$ such that q1 is the result of method integrate from q2 with vector $\textbf{v}$
If the configuration space is a vector space, this is $\textbf{v} = q_1 - q_2$
The default template arguments correspond to difference<RnxSOnLieGroupMap>.

◆ display()

std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::display ( std::ostream &  os,
const SE3 m 

Write a SE3 taking into account the indentation.

◆ displayConfig()

std::string hpp::pinocchio::displayConfig ( ConfigurationIn_t  q,
int  precision = 20 

Write configuration in a string.

◆ distance()

value_type hpp::pinocchio::distance ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  q1,
ConfigurationIn_t  q2 

Distance between two configuration.

robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
q1first configuration,
q2second configuration,


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( Body  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( CollisionObject  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( Device  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( HumanoidRobot  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( Joint  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( JointConfiguration  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( Gripper  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( CenterOfMassComputation  )


hpp::pinocchio::HPP_PREDEF_CLASS ( LiegroupSpace  )

◆ humanoidSimple() [1/2]

DevicePtr_t hpp::pinocchio::humanoidSimple ( const std::string &  name = "humanoidSimple",
bool  usingFF = true,
Computation_t  compFlags = (Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN) 

◆ humanoidSimple() [2/2]

DevicePtr_t hpp::pinocchio::humanoidSimple ( const std::string &  name = "humanoidSimple",
Computation_t  compFlags = (Computation_t)(JOINT_POSITION|JACOBIAN) 

◆ integrate()

template<bool saturateConfig, typename LieGroup >
void hpp::pinocchio::integrate ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  configuration,
vectorIn_t  velocity,
ConfigurationOut_t  result 

Integrate a constant velocity during unit time.

Template Parameters
saturateConfigwhen true, calls hpp::pinocchio::saturate(robot, result) at the end
LieGroupis a compile-time map of joint type to Lie group type, that defines the joint-wise operations.
robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
configurationinitial and result configurations
velocityvelocity vector
Return values
resultconfiguration reached after integration. Velocity is dispatched to each joint that integrates according to its Lie group structure, i.e.
  • $q_i += v_i$ for translation joint and bounded rotation joints,
  • $q_i += v_i \mbox{ modulo } 2\pi$ for unbounded rotation joints,
  • constant rotation velocity for SO(3) joints.
The default template arguments correspond to integrate<true,DefaultLieGroupMap>.

◆ interpolate()

template<typename LieGroup >
void hpp::pinocchio::interpolate ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  q0,
ConfigurationIn_t  q1,
const value_type u,
ConfigurationOut_t  result 

Interpolate between two configurations of the robot

Template Parameters
LieGroupis a compile-time map of joint type to Lie group type, that defines the joint-wise operations.
robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
q0,q1two configurations to interpolate
uin [0,1] position along the interpolation: q0 for u=0, q1 for u=1
Return values
resultinterpolated configuration
The default template arguments correspond to interpolate<RnxSOnLieGroupMap>.

◆ isApprox()

bool hpp::pinocchio::isApprox ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  q1,
ConfigurationIn_t  q2,
value_type  eps 

Test that two configurations are close

robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
q1first configuration,
q2second configuration,
epsnumerical threshold
true if the configurations are closer than the numerical threshold

◆ isNormalized()

bool hpp::pinocchio::isNormalized ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationIn_t  q,
const value_type eps 

Check if a configuration is normalized

It consists in checking that norm of quaternions and complex is one.

◆ log()

template<typename vector_type >
vector_t hpp::pinocchio::log ( const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &  lge)

Compute the log as a tangent vector of a Lie group element.

◆ normalize() [1/2]

void hpp::pinocchio::normalize ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
Configuration_t q 

Normalize configuration

Configuration space is a represented by a sub-manifold of a vector space. Normalization consists in projecting a vector on this sub-manifold. It mostly consists in normalizing quaternions for SO3 joints and 2D-vectors for unbounded rotations.

◆ normalize() [2/2]

void hpp::pinocchio::normalize ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationOut_t  q 

For backward compatibility. See normalize normalize (const DevicePtr_t&, Configuration_t&)

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Gripper gripper 

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Frame frame 

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

template<typename vector_type >
std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LiegroupElementConstBase< vector_type > &  e 

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Joint joint 

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream& hpp::pinocchio::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const hpp::pinocchio::Device device 

◆ saturate() [1/2]

void hpp::pinocchio::saturate ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationOut_t  configuration 

Saturate joint parameter value so that they are not out of bounds.

robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
[in,out]configurationinitial and result configurations
Return values
configurationreached after saturation.

◆ saturate() [2/2]

bool hpp::pinocchio::saturate ( const DevicePtr_t robot,
ConfigurationOut_t  configuration,
ArrayXb saturation 

Saturate joint parameter value so that they are not out of bounds.

robotrobot that describes the kinematic chain
[in,out]configurationinitial and result configurations
Return values
saturationan array of boolean saying who saturated (size robot.numberDof()).