19 #ifndef __se3_joint_free_flyer_hpp__ 20 #define __se3_joint_free_flyer_hpp__ 22 #include "pinocchio/macros.hpp" 23 #include "pinocchio/spatial/inertia.hpp" 24 #include "pinocchio/spatial/explog.hpp" 25 #include "pinocchio/multibody/joint/joint-base.hpp" 26 #include "pinocchio/multibody/constraint.hpp" 27 #include "pinocchio/math/fwd.hpp" 28 #include "pinocchio/math/quaternion.hpp" 35 template<
typename _Scalar,
int _Options>
38 typedef _Scalar Scalar;
39 enum { Options = _Options };
40 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,1,Options> Vector3;
41 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,1,Options> Vector4;
42 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1,Options> Vector6;
43 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,3,3,Options> Matrix3;
44 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,4,4,Options> Matrix4;
45 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,6,Options> Matrix6;
46 typedef Matrix3 Angular_t;
47 typedef Vector3 Linear_t;
48 typedef const Matrix3 ConstAngular_t;
49 typedef const Vector3 ConstLinear_t;
50 typedef Matrix6 ActionMatrix_t;
51 typedef Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar,Options> Quaternion_t;
60 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1,Options> JointMotion;
61 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,1,Options> JointForce;
62 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,6,Options> DenseBase;
63 typedef const DenseBase ConstMatrixReturnType;
64 typedef DenseBase MatrixReturnType;
68 template<
typename _Scalar,
int _Options>
72 enum { NV = 6, Options = 0 };
77 template<
typename S1,
int O1>
78 typename SE3::Matrix6 se3Action(
const SE3Tpl<S1,O1> & m)
const 79 {
return m.toActionMatrix(); }
81 int nv_impl()
const {
return NV; }
85 template<
typename Derived>
91 template<
typename MatrixDerived>
92 typename EIGEN_REF_CONSTTYPE(MatrixDerived)
93 operator*(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<MatrixDerived> & F)
100 DenseBase matrix_impl()
const {
return DenseBase::Identity(); }
102 template<
typename MotionDerived>
103 typename MotionDerived::ActionMatrixType
105 {
return v.toActionMatrix(); }
109 template<
typename Scalar,
int Options,
typename Vector6Like>
119 template<
typename S1,
int O1,
typename S2,
int O2>
127 template<
typename Matrix6Like,
typename S2,
int O2>
128 inline typename EIGEN_REF_CONSTTYPE(Matrix6Like)
136 template<
typename S1,
int O1>
137 struct SE3GroupAction< ConstraintIdentityTpl<S1,O1> >
140 template<
typename S1,
int O1,
typename MotionDerived>
141 struct MotionAlgebraAction< ConstraintIdentityTpl<S1,O1>,MotionDerived >
147 template<
typename _Scalar,
int _Options>
154 typedef double Scalar;
155 enum { Options = _Options };
162 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,NV,Options> F_t;
165 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,NV,Options> U_t;
166 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,NV,NV,Options> D_t;
167 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,6,NV,Options> UD_t;
169 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,NQ,1,Options> ConfigVector_t;
170 typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar,NV,1,Options> TangentVector_t;
173 template<
typename Scalar,
int Options>
177 template<
typename Scalar,
int Options>
181 template<
typename _Scalar,
int _Options>
203 template<
typename _Scalar,
int _Options>
214 JointDataDerived
const {
return JointDataDerived(); }
216 template<
typename ConfigVectorLike>
217 inline void forwardKinematics(Transformation_t & M,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<ConfigVectorLike> & q_joint)
const 219 EIGEN_STATIC_ASSERT_SAME_VECTOR_SIZE(ConfigVector_t,ConfigVectorLike);
220 typedef typename Eigen::Quaternion<typename ConfigVectorLike::Scalar,EIGEN_PLAIN_TYPE(ConfigVectorLike)::Options> Quaternion;
221 typedef Eigen::Map<const Quaternion> ConstQuaternionMap;
223 ConstQuaternionMap quat(q_joint.template tail<4>().data());
225 assert(std::fabs(quat.coeffs().squaredNorm()-1.) <= 1e-4);
227 M.rotation(quat.matrix());
228 M.translation(q_joint.template head<3>());
231 template<
typename ConfigVector>
232 void calc(JointDataDerived & data,
233 const typename Eigen::MatrixBase<ConfigVector> & qs)
236 typedef typename Eigen::Quaternion<typename ConfigVector::Scalar,ConfigVector::Options> Quaternion;
237 typedef Eigen::Map<const Quaternion> ConstQuaternionMap;
239 typename ConfigVector::template ConstFixedSegmentReturnType<NQ>::Type q = qs.template segment<NQ>(
240 ConstQuaternionMap quat(q.template tail<4>().data());
242 data.M.rotation(quat.matrix());
243 data.M.translation(q.template head<3>());
246 template<
typename ConfigVector,
typename TangentVector>
247 void calc(JointDataDerived & data,
248 const typename Eigen::MatrixBase<ConfigVector> & qs,
249 const typename Eigen::MatrixBase<TangentVector> & vs)
252 calc(data,qs.derived());
254 data.v = vs.template segment<NV>(
257 template<
typename S2,
int O2>
258 void calc_aba(JointDataDerived & data, Eigen::Matrix<S2,6,6,O2> & I,
const bool update_I)
const 261 data.Dinv = I.inverse();
270 return 2.*sqrt(sqrt(Eigen::NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon()));
273 static std::string classname() {
return std::string(
"JointModelFreeFlyer"); }
274 std::string
const {
return classname(); }
280 #endif // ifndef __se3_joint_free_flyer_hpp__
JointDataVariant createData(const JointModelVariant &jmodel)
Visit a JointModelVariant through CreateData visitor to create a JointDataVariant.
void calc_aba(const JointModelVariant &jmodel, JointDataVariant &jdata, Inertia::Matrix6 &I, const bool update_I)
Visit a JointDataVariant and the corresponding JointModelVariant through JointCalcAbaVisitor to...
std::string shortname(const JointModelVariant &jmodel)
Visit a JointModelVariant through JointShortnameVisitor to get the shortname of the derived joint mod...
int idx_q(const JointModelVariant &jmodel)
Visit a JointModelVariant through JointIdxQVisitor to get the index in the full model configuration s...
Eigen::VectorXd finiteDifferenceIncrement(const Model &model)
Computes the finite difference increments for each degree of freedom according to the current joint c...
void forwardKinematics(const Model &model, Data &data, const Eigen::VectorXd &q)
Update the joint placements according to the current joint configuration.
int idx_v(const JointModelVariant &jmodel)
Visit a JointModelVariant through JointIdxVVisitor to get the index in the full model tangent space c...
ToVectorConstReturnType toVector() const
Return the force as an Eigen vector.