sot-core  4.11.8
Hierarchical task solver plug-in for dynamic-graph.
dynamicgraph::sot Namespace Reference




class  NamedVector
class  AbstractSotExternalInterface
class  AdditionalFunctions
 This helper class dynamically overloads the "new" shell command to allow creation of tasks and features as well as entities. More...
class  BinaryIntToUint
class  BinaryOp
class  CausalFilter
class  ClampWorkspace
class  CoMFreezer
class  Contiifstream
class  ControlGR
class  ControlPD
class  DebugTrace
class  Derivator
class  Device
class  DoubleConstant
class  Event
class  ExceptionAbstract
class  ExceptionDynamic
class  ExceptionFactory
class  ExceptionFeature
class  ExceptionSignal
class  ExceptionTask
class  ExceptionTools
class  ExpMovingAvg
class  Feature1D
 Simple test: the task is defined to be e_2 = .5 . e'.e, with e the mother task. The jacobian is then J_2 = e'.J, J being the jacobian of the mother task. More...
class  FeatureAbstract
 This class gives the abstract definition of a feature. More...
class  FeatureReferenceHelper
class  FeatureGeneric
 Class that defines a generic implementation of the abstract interface for features. More...
class  FeatureJointLimits
 Class that defines gradient vector for jl avoidance. More...
class  FeatureLineDistance
 Class that defines point-3d control feature. More...
class  FeaturePoint6dRelative
 Class that defines the motion of a point of the body wrt. another point. More...
class  FeaturePoint6d
 Class that defines point-6d control feature. More...
class  FeaturePose
 Feature that controls the relative (or absolute) pose between two frames A (or world) and B. More...
class  FeaturePosture
class  FeatureTask
class  FeatureVector3
 Class that defines point-3d control feature. More...
class  FeatureVisualPoint
 Class that defines 2D visualPoint visual feature. More...
class  FilterDifferentiator
class  FIRFilter
class  Flags
class  GainAdaptive
class  GainHyperbolic
 Hyperbolic gain. It follows the law. More...
class  GradientAscent
class  GripperControl
 The goal of this entity is to ensure that the maximal torque will not be exceeded during a grasping task. If the maximal torque is reached, then the current position of the gripper is kept. More...
class  GripperControlPlugin
class  IntegratorAbstract
 integrates an ODE. If Y is the output and X the input, the following equation is integrated: a_p * d(p)Y / dt^p + .... + a_0 Y = b_m * d(m)X / dt^m + ... . b_0 X a_i are the coefficients of the denominator of the associated transfer function between X and Y, while the b_i are those of the numerator. More...
class  IntegratorEuler
 integrates an ODE using a naive Euler integration. TODO: change the integration method. For the moment, the highest derivative of the output signal is computed using the previous values of the other derivatives and the input signal, then integrated n times, which will most certainly induce a huge drift for ODEs with a high order at the denominator. More...
class  JointLimitator
 Filter control vector to avoid exceeding joint maximum values. More...
class  SotJointTrajectoryEntity
 This object handles trajectory of quantities and publish them as signals. More...
class  Kalman
class  Latch
class  MadgwickAHRS
struct  MailboxTimestampedObject
class  Mailbox
class  MatrixConstant
class  MemoryTaskSOT
class  MotionPeriod
class  MultiBound
class  NeckLimitation
class  OpPointModifier
 Compute position and jacobian of a local frame attached to a joint. More...
class  ParameterServer
class  PeriodicCallEntity
class  PeriodicCall
class  PoolStorage
 This singleton class keep tracks of all features and tasks. More...
class  RobotSimu
struct  JointLimits
class  ExtractJointMimics
struct  ForceLimits
struct  ForceUtil
struct  FootUtil
struct  HandUtil
struct  RobotUtil
class  Sequencer
class  SmoothReach
class  SotLoader
 This class is loading the control part of the Stack-Of-Tasks. More...
class  Sot
 This class implements the Stack of Task. It allows to deal with the priority of the controllers through the shell. More...
class  Switch
 Switch. More...
class  TaskAbstract
class  TaskConti
class  TaskPD
class  TaskUnilateral
class  Task
 Class that defines the basic elements of a task. More...
class  TimeStamp
class  RulesJointTrajectory
class  timestamp
class  Header
class  JointTrajectoryPoint
class  Trajectory
class  UnaryOp
class  VariadicAbstract
class  VariadicOp
class  VectorConstant
class  VectorToRotation
class  VisualPointProjecter


typedef NamedVector SensorValues
typedef NamedVector ControlValues
typedef FeaturePose< R3xSO3RepresentationFeaturePose_t
typedef FeaturePose< SE3RepresentationFeaturePoseSE3_t
typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation< pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl< 3, double >, pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl< 3, double > > R3xSO3_t
typedef pinocchio::SpecialEuclideanOperationTpl< 3, double > SE3_t
typedef Mailbox< dynamicgraph::Vector > MailboxVector
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > MatrixRXd
typedef Eigen::Map< MatrixRXdSigMatrixXd
typedef Eigen::Map< Eigen::VectorXd > SigVectorXd
typedef const Eigen::Map< const MatrixRXdconst_SigMatrixXd
typedef const Eigen::Map< const Eigen::VectorXd > const_SigVectorXd
typedef Eigen::Ref< Eigen::VectorXd > RefVector
typedef const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > & ConstRefVector
typedef Eigen::Ref< Eigen::MatrixXd > RefMatrix
typedef const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::MatrixXd > ConstRefMatrix
typedef Eigen::Transform< double, 3, Eigen::Affine > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixHomogeneous
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixRotation
typedef Eigen::AngleAxis< double > SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorUTheta
typedef Eigen::Quaternion< double > SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorQuaternion
typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRotation
typedef Eigen::Vector3d SOT_CORE_EXPORT VectorRollPitchYaw
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixForce
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 6, 6 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT MatrixTwist
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, 7, 1 > SOT_CORE_EXPORT Vector7
typedef Eigen::Quaternion< double > SOT_CORE_EXPORT Quaternion
typedef Eigen::Map< Quaternion > SOT_CORE_EXPORT QuaternionMap
typedef std::vector< MultiBoundVectorMultiBound
typedef Eigen::VectorXd::Index Index
typedef std::shared_ptr< RobotUtilRobotUtilShrPtr
 Accessors - This should be changed to RobotUtilPtrShared. More...


 Define the type of input expected by the robot. More...
enum  Representation_t { SE3Representation , R3xSO3Representation }
 Enum used to specify what difference operation is used in FeaturePose. More...


void sotDEBUGF (const int, const char *,...)
void sotDEBUGF (const char *,...)
void sotERRORF (const int, const char *,...)
void sotERRORF (const char *,...)
std::ostream & __null_stream ()
void sotTDEBUGF (const int, const char *,...)
void sotTDEBUGF (const char *,...)
template<typename T >
Vector6d convertVelocity (const MatrixHomogeneous &M, const MatrixHomogeneous &Mdes, const Vector &faNufafbDes)
void toVector (const MatrixHomogeneous &M, Vector7 &v)
Vector7 toVector (const MatrixHomogeneous &M)
Vector6d convertVelocity< SE3_t > (const MatrixHomogeneous &M, const MatrixHomogeneous &Mdes, const Vector &faNufafbDes)
Vector6d convertVelocity< R3xSO3_t > (const MatrixHomogeneous &M, const MatrixHomogeneous &Mdes, const Vector &faNufafbDes)
void buildFrom (const MatrixHomogeneous &MH, MatrixTwist &MT)
SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VectorMultiBound &v)
SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, VectorMultiBound &v)
RobotUtilShrPtr RefVoidRobotUtil ()
RobotUtilShrPtr getRobotUtil (std::string &robotName)
bool isNameInRobotUtil (std::string &robotName)
RobotUtilShrPtr createRobotUtil (std::string &robotName)
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< std::string > > getListOfRobots ()
bool base_se3_to_sot (ConstRefVector pos, ConstRefMatrix R, RefVector q_sot)


const std::string ControlInput_s [] = {"noInteg", "oneInteg", "twoInteg"}

Detailed Description

This is the namespace for a subset of helperd classes related to the implementation of the Stack-Of-Tasks.

Typedef Documentation

◆ const_SigMatrixXd

typedef const Eigen::Map<const MatrixRXd> dynamicgraph::sot::const_SigMatrixXd

◆ const_SigVectorXd

typedef const Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> dynamicgraph::sot::const_SigVectorXd

◆ ConstRefMatrix

typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd> dynamicgraph::sot::ConstRefMatrix

◆ ConstRefVector

typedef const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& dynamicgraph::sot::ConstRefVector

◆ ControlValues

◆ FeaturePose_t

◆ FeaturePoseSE3_t

◆ Index

typedef Eigen::VectorXd::Index dynamicgraph::sot::Index

◆ MailboxVector

typedef Mailbox<dynamicgraph::Vector> dynamicgraph::sot::MailboxVector

◆ MatrixForce

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixForce

◆ MatrixHomogeneous

typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixHomogeneous

◆ MatrixRotation

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixRotation

◆ MatrixRXd

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixRXd

◆ MatrixTwist

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::MatrixTwist

◆ Quaternion

typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::Quaternion

◆ QuaternionMap

◆ R3xSO3_t

typedef pinocchio::CartesianProductOperation< pinocchio::VectorSpaceOperationTpl<3, double>, pinocchio::SpecialOrthogonalOperationTpl<3, double> > dynamicgraph::sot::R3xSO3_t

◆ RefMatrix

typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::MatrixXd> dynamicgraph::sot::RefMatrix

◆ RefVector

typedef Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorXd> dynamicgraph::sot::RefVector

◆ RobotUtilShrPtr

Accessors - This should be changed to RobotUtilPtrShared.

◆ SE3_t

typedef pinocchio::SpecialEuclideanOperationTpl<3, double> dynamicgraph::sot::SE3_t

◆ SensorValues

◆ SigMatrixXd

◆ SigVectorXd

typedef Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> dynamicgraph::sot::SigVectorXd

◆ Vector7

typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::Vector7

◆ VectorMultiBound

◆ VectorQuaternion

typedef Eigen::Quaternion<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::VectorQuaternion

◆ VectorRollPitchYaw

◆ VectorRotation

◆ VectorUTheta

typedef Eigen::AngleAxis<double> SOT_CORE_EXPORT dynamicgraph::sot::VectorUTheta

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ControlInput

Define the type of input expected by the robot.


◆ Representation_t

Enum used to specify what difference operation is used in FeaturePose.


Function Documentation

◆ __null_stream()

std::ostream& dynamicgraph::sot::__null_stream ( )

◆ base_se3_to_sot()

bool dynamicgraph::sot::base_se3_to_sot ( ConstRefVector  pos,
ConstRefMatrix  R,
RefVector  q_sot 

◆ buildFrom()

void dynamicgraph::sot::buildFrom ( const MatrixHomogeneous MH,
MatrixTwist MT 

◆ convertVelocity()

template<typename T >
Vector6d dynamicgraph::sot::convertVelocity ( const MatrixHomogeneous M,
const MatrixHomogeneous Mdes,
const Vector &  faNufafbDes 

◆ convertVelocity< R3xSO3_t >()

Vector6d dynamicgraph::sot::convertVelocity< R3xSO3_t > ( const MatrixHomogeneous M,
const MatrixHomogeneous Mdes,
const Vector &  faNufafbDes 

◆ convertVelocity< SE3_t >()

Vector6d dynamicgraph::sot::convertVelocity< SE3_t > ( const MatrixHomogeneous M,
const MatrixHomogeneous Mdes,
const Vector &  faNufafbDes 

◆ createRobotUtil()

RobotUtilShrPtr dynamicgraph::sot::createRobotUtil ( std::string &  robotName)

◆ getListOfRobots()

std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string> > dynamicgraph::sot::getListOfRobots ( )

◆ getRobotUtil()

RobotUtilShrPtr dynamicgraph::sot::getRobotUtil ( std::string &  robotName)

◆ isNameInRobotUtil()

bool dynamicgraph::sot::isNameInRobotUtil ( std::string &  robotName)

◆ operator<<()

SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& dynamicgraph::sot::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VectorMultiBound v 

◆ operator>>()

SOT_CORE_EXPORT std::istream& dynamicgraph::sot::operator>> ( std::istream &  os,
VectorMultiBound v 

◆ RefVoidRobotUtil()

RobotUtilShrPtr dynamicgraph::sot::RefVoidRobotUtil ( )

◆ sotDEBUGF() [1/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGF ( const char *  ,

◆ sotDEBUGF() [2/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGF ( const int  ,
const char *  ,

◆ sotERRORF() [1/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotERRORF ( const char *  ,

◆ sotERRORF() [2/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotERRORF ( const int  ,
const char *  ,

◆ sotTDEBUGF() [1/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotTDEBUGF ( const char *  ,

◆ sotTDEBUGF() [2/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::sotTDEBUGF ( const int  ,
const char *  ,

◆ toVector() [1/2]

Vector7 dynamicgraph::sot::toVector ( const MatrixHomogeneous M)

◆ toVector() [2/2]

void dynamicgraph::sot::toVector ( const MatrixHomogeneous M,
Vector7 v 

Variable Documentation

◆ ControlInput_s

const std::string dynamicgraph::sot::ControlInput_s[] = {"noInteg", "oneInteg", "twoInteg"}


SOT_CORE_EXPORT DebugTrace dynamicgraph::sot::sotDEBUGFLOW


SOT_CORE_EXPORT DebugTrace dynamicgraph::sot::sotERRORFLOW